It is so easy to fall into the same routine of doing the same exercises or working out the same muscles in the same manner, over and over again. A good personal trainer won’t let this happen because, in addition to being boring, repetition also slows results. You need to have different types physical stress on the human central nervous system to see physical change and ongoing results. Butchered Bodies has a team of 5 highly-trained personal trainers that live by this philosophy. Each trainer, applying their own dynamic training style, will “change” up your work out to help you get you the results you want. Some big-box gyms have trainers and classes that are restricted by a conservative, corporate training umbrella, and cannot give you the results-driven “change” your work out needs. Butchered Bodies on the other hand is a small boutique-style personal training company dedicated to getting you to “change” up your normal routine to help you get the results you want.